Mickey Mouse Management


This is something you probably wont learn at management school. the people in those places are all about making profits and playing safe. here's some radical principles for passion driven driven creative people that aren't afraid to take risks to make your vision a reality. its a part of 'mickey mouse management'. created by none other that walt disney. more known as a pioneer in animation. but walt wasnt actually as skilled, creative or artistic as the people he worked with. what created his successful empire was his unorthodox management style.

  1. The best at any cost.
  2. Respect the customers.
  3. Great respect for talent.
  4. Leadership by instinct and optimism.
  5. Disregard for financial risk.
  6. Teamwork with a brilliant financial manager.
  7. Management by walking around.
  8. Continuous training.
  9. Huge patterns of connectiveness.
  10. Vertical integration and total control.
  11. You can’t beat a pig with a pig.

there's alot more about walts disney management, most of these, not many companys of today follow. they're all about cutting cost. this is what organizations today have lost their sence of magic, with disney it was always about magic

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